Why we need a Post Quantum VPN

Published on August 31, 2022

Quantum computers will have a huge range of uses; they will provide efficiency and optimisations that will lead to advances in the medical, banking and logistics sectors. These sectors are already running practical trials to use current quantum computing research and these will only advance in the coming years.

However, alongside these positive advances, research into using quantum computers to attack cryptographic algorithms, which are used for all secure communication, is also progressing rapidly. In 2019, IBM successfully used a 53-qubit processor. In 2022, they will launch a processor more than 8 times more powerful, showing exceptional progress. Moore’s Law previously captured the speed of increase of technology, but it has been assessed that this doesn’t get close to the rate of growth of quantum technology, needing newly termed Neven’s Law to capture the double exponential speed of growth. The threat of quantum computers breaking secure communications is very real.

As such, Post-Quantum Cryptography is becoming recognised as absolutely vital for security. Alongside the threat of quantum computers, the cost of data storage dramatically shrunk, partly driven by the rise of cloud computing. This means that there is increased danger even before quantum computers are fully developed - adversaries can more easily than ever store encrypted data and attack it at a later date.

With this dramatic progression of research into devastating attacks to security, we need something to counter this. QSTVPN solves this, using post-quantum algorithms that are secure against this new threat.

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The easiest way to try out QST-VPN is to use a preconfigured cloud instance.